• Family Notes

Dear YES Prep Families,

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has published the 2023-2024 Federal Report Cards for each YES Prep school and the district. We are sharing this information with you as part of our obligations under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). Information on these reports includes the items listed in this TEA guide.

You may access the report cards using any of the following methods:

1. Visit the YES Prep website: a. District website link b. School website link (click on your child’s school, click on “For Parents”, then click on “Compliance Notices”, and lastly click on “Academic Performance”)

2. Visit the Texas Education Agency’s website: a. Federal Report Cards link

3. Hard copies are available at the district office and each school’s front office.

4. Appropriate translations (written or oral) are available upon request.

If you have questions, please contact Ahmer Naeem, Director of State Compliance & Legal Coordination, at ahmer.naeem@yesprep.org or (713) 924-0603. Thank you.


Estimada comunidad de YES Prep:

La Agencia de Educación de Texas (Texas Education Agency, TEA) publicó las boletas de calificaciones federales 2023-2024 para cada escuela YES Prep y para el distrito. Compartimos esta información con usted como parte de nuestras obligaciones bajo la ley federal Cada Estudiante Triunfa (Every Student Succeeds Act, ESSA) de 2015. La información de estos informes incluye los elementos enumerados en esta guía de la TEA.

Puede acceder a las boletas de calificaciones mediante cualquiera de los siguientes métodos:

1. Ingrese al sitio web de YES Prep: a. Enlace al sitio web del distrito b. Enlace del sitio web de la escuela (haga clic en la escuela de su hijo, luego en “For Parents [Para padres]”, luego en “Compliance Notices [Avisos de cumplimiento]”, y por último en “Academic Performance [Desempeño académico]”).

2. Ingrese al sitio web de la Agencia de Educación de Texas: a. Enlace de las boletas de calificaciones federales

3. Las copias impresas están disponibles en la oficina del distrito y en la oficina principal de cada escuela.

4. Las traducciones correspondientes (escritas u orales) están a disposición de los interesados.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con Ahmer Naeem, Director de Cumplimiento Estatal y Coordinación Legal, a través del correo electrónico ahmer.naeem@yesprep.org o del teléfono (713) 924-0603. Gracias

Attendance Incentives:

We have officially kicked off our attendance incentives for the 24-25 SY!

Shout-out to Ms. Martinez for taking charge of the Attendance Incentive Cart! Let’s make sure to bring our students to school every day and on time so they can earn the chance to pick something special from the cart. Thanks, Ms. Martinez, for helping keep our students motivated!

Dear Families,

Welcome back from the holidays! We hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable break, and we’re excited to begin the new year together.

As we start this new semester, we would like to take a moment to emphasize the importance of regular school attendance for all students. Consistent attendance plays a key role in your child’s academic success, and we encourage all families to ensure that their children are present and ready to engage in their learning each day.

Please note that we will be accepting only three handwritten excuse notes per semester for any student’s absence. After this limit is reached, we will require proper documentation (such as a doctor's note or other formal records) to excuse any further absences.

Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to working together for a successful second half of the school year.

Breakfast and Lunch Menu:

To stay updated with what your student is being offered for breakfast and lunch, please visit: Weekly Menu - YES Prep Public Schools

Join the Family Association!

Interested in learning more about your campus Family Association?! Learn more about family associations.

       YES Prep: Family Associations

 To stay informed about the Family Association join us on WhatsApp: https://bit.ly/484KBEV

  Para mantenerse informado sobre la Asociación de Familias únete a nosotros en     WhatsApp:  https://bit.ly/484KBEV

Volunteer Background Check Process:

  1. Complete Raptor Application & Read the Volunteer Policy: Guidelines - YES Prep Public Schools 
  2. Application takes 2-10 days for processing and DCOs (Ops Team) have access to the Raptor report identifying who is approved to volunteer on campus.
  3. This application is done every year and volunteers are alerted of application status through email.
  1. Completar Solicitud en Raptor y leer poliza de voluntario Guidelines - YES Prep Public Schools 
  2. La solicitud tarda 2-10 días para procesar y para que la directora de operaciones y el equipo de operaciones tenga acceso al reporte de Raptor para identificar quienes han sido aprobados para ser voluntarios en la escuela.
  3. La solicitud se hace cada año y se les notifica el estado de solicitud a través de correo electrónico a los voluntarios 

Hello Parents,

If you would like to buy a Hispanic Heritage Month shirt, please ask for Ms. Ruiz when you arrive at the front office. There are still some available!

February Calendar



Dear Families,

I hope this message finds you well. As the student counselor, my goal is to support our students in their academic, social, and emotional growth. I’m here to help with any concerns or challenges your child may face during their time at school.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or if there's anything I can do to support your child’s success. Together, we can create a positive and encouraging environment for their development.

Thank you for your partnership in helping our students thrive!

Best regards,

Mrs. O


Therapist: Gloria Spampinato

Behavioral Health Representative: Magdalena “Maggie” Castillo

To schedule an appointment with the Behavioral Health team, you may contact 713-814-3557.

We look forward to working with you and your kid(s).

Clinica de Legacy

Terapeuta: Gloria Spampinato

Representante de Salud del Comportamiento: Magdalena "Maggie" Castillo

Para programar una cita con el equipo de Salud del Comportamiento, puede comunicarse al 713-814-3557.

Esperamos trabajar con usted y su(s) hijo(s).

Legacy School-Based Health Care Direct Number 281-628-2083

  • Family Notes

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